Claim Commands

Other Commands:

Create & Delete Claims


Use /kit claim to get a free set of claiming tools.

Golden Shovel

Used to create new claims, and resize existing claims.

Blaze Rod

Used to indicate the position of claims, and identify who the owners of the claims are.

Download the mod World Edit CUI to see a virtual bounding box of a claim.

Claim Tool Modes

For use with the Gold Shovel claim tool.

/modeSubdivide | /subdivideClaims

Enable subdivision mode. 

Use the gold shovel to create a claim inside your existing claim to make it a subdivision, where you can have different sets of permissions from the main claim.

Note: You will be stuck in this mode until you return to /modebasic

/modeBasic | /basicClaims

Enable basic claim mode. Used if you had enabled subdivision or town mode.

/modeTown | /townClaims

Enable town claim mode. 

See Player Towns for a full guide on town creation.


Toggle between 3D or 2D claiming mode. 

2D claiming is default (bedrock to sky limit).

Claim Info

/gd help

List all Grief Defender commands in game.


Open a list of all your claims to show their options and coordinates.


Open information about the claim you are standing in. You can edit the options if you are the owner.

Claim Blocks

/buyClaimBlocks <amount>

Purchases claim blocks for 1 Pokedollar per block.

/transferBlocks <player> <amount>

Give claim blocks to another player.

Create Claims

/kit Claim

Receive a free gold shovel and blaze rod to claim your land.

/claimCreate <radius>

Creates a new claim centered on you, sized with the specified radius.

/claimCreate chunk

Claims the 16 x 16 chunk of land you are standing in.

Press F3 + G to show and hide chunk borders.

/expandClaim <amount> [north|south|east|west]

Increase the size of your claim by stretching one side in the direction specified.

/contractClaim <amount> [north|south|east|west]

Shrink an edge of your claim by pulling it towards the center. The direction specified is the side of the claim you want to pull in.

i.e. /contractclaim 5 north will pull the north edge 5 blocks in, towards the center.

Delete Claims


Deletes the claim you are standing in, and returns the claim blocks.

If used in a subdivision, only deletes the subclaim and not the main one.


Deletes the claim you are standing in and all of its subclaims, and returns the claim blocks.


Deletes all claims you own, and returns the claim blocks.

/claimTransfer <player>

Give the claim you are standing in to another player. They must be online to accept the transfer.

They must have enough claim blocks to accept the size of the claim, as this will refund your claim blocks and consume theirs on transfer. 

You can use /transferBlocks <player> <amount> to give them enough blocks to accept the claim first, if your intent was to gift them the claim.

Claim Identifiers

Allows players to create unique ID's for their claims.

/claimID <identifier>

Creates an identifier that can be used at the end of most commands, such as trust, rather than having to stand inside a specific claim. 

Ex. To check claim info, use /claimInfo <identifier>

Trust Players

If used in a subdivision, trust commands will only affect that subclaim, and not the main claim.

/trust <player> [trustOption]

Grant trust to a player in the claim you are standing in. 

To grant public trust, use public instead of a specific player name.

Using /trust without an option defaults to builder trust.

Trust options:

Example: /trust public accessor would allow all players to open doors and use levers, workstations, anvils, etc. in your claim.

NOTE: ALL Pixelmon blocks (fossil machine, infuser, etc.) are NOT protected by basic claims! You need to use /claimflag and change the public use of those machines to false. See below for details.

/untrust <player> [trustOption]

Revokes trust from a player (or public) in the claim you are standing in. 

/trustAll <player> [trustOption]

Grants trust to a player in all claims you own. The command uses the same trust options as normal trust. 

This only gives trust to existing claims, not new claims created after using the command.

/untrustAll <player> [trustOption]

Revokes trust from a player (or public) in all claims you own.


List all players under each level of trust. 

Basic trust is listed under 'Builders'

You can add and remove players from this menu as well.


You can access most of these options in /claimInfo


Toggle between chat and inventory menus for all claim options. Defaults to inventory mode on login.

It's generally easier to do all customization in Inventory mode.

/claimGreeting <message|clear>

Sends a greeting in chat to a player when they enter your claim. Use clear to remove the message.

Accepts Minecraft color formatting codes. Use /colors to see a list in game.

/claimFarewell <message|clear>

Sends a goodbye in chat to a player when they exit your claim. Use clear to remove the message.

Accepts Minecraft color formatting codes. Use /colors to see a list in game.

Claim Flags

Claim flags are a list of customizable settings you can toggle in your claims. 

You can prevent ice from melting, snow from collecting, Pokemon from spawning, and more.


Opens the GUI to edit claim flag settings. Use while standing in a claim.

The below table lists all claim flags and their default settings (true or false).

You can edit flags for the entire public, specific trust groups, and even yourself.

Pay attention to which flags you are setting and where!

View the Pixelmon specific flags to protect all types of Pixelmon blocks, which are not protected by default.