New Player Guide

New to pixelmon?

HOoo boy, that's a big topic. Generally you walk around playing Minecraft and press "R" to throw out your Pokemon at stuff to battle.

We recommend looking up some guides or youtube videos, and check out the official Pixelmon Tutorial on their wiki.

New to PokeMC?

Claim a Survival Base

Do the Kanto Quest

Explore our custom built Kanto Region map, designed to be faithful to the Fire Red/Leaf Green Pokemon Games.

Use /uq to open your Questbook, or right click the Green Book in your inventory. You can track your next quest steps here!

Resource Worlds

We have an additional resource world exclusively for mining and collecting building materials so the survival world stays clean.

This world plus The End, Nether, and Ultraspace completely reset every month (so don't claim land here). 

Check out more info about the worlds/maps here.

Rotomphone Assistant

The RotomPhone item will pull up a menu with a bunch of warps and commands. All are very useful and you can learn a lot about the server.

If you lose your Rotomphone, you can get a new one using /kits. Or just use /rp

The Mall

Spend your Pokedollars and Relic Coins at /warp Mall, the commerce hub of PokeMC.


You can get keys in game or on the webstore and then try your luck for prizes. 

Go to /warp mall and read the lore on your key to redeem them.

More info on crates here.

Useful Commands

Check out the commands page for a complete reference.


Displays a list of all warp categories. Click in chat to view the lists.

/sethome <homeName>  |  /removehome <homeName>

Set a home at your current location, or delete an existing home. 

Players get 6 homes by default. You can purchase more homes with Relic Coins and on the donation store.


View your list of homes.


Opens the Rotomphone Worlds menu, which will warp you to a random location in that world.

Random location only happens in the following worlds: Survival, Resource, Patreon Resource, Nether, The End, Ultra Space, Drowned


List your currencies and their amounts.

/wondertrade | /wt

Trade your Pokemon for a random Pokemon from the pool.


Sell Pokemon to the server for Pokedollars. Get bonuses based on the stats of the Pokemon.



Open the Global Trade System to buy & sell Pokemon and items.

Also open the Sell to Server (STS) menu where you can sell extra Pokemon directly for Pokedollars. 


Claim rewards for completing your Pokedex.


Check your skills and manage skill abilites.

/seasonJourney | /sj

Access the Season Journey reward track to view and claim rewards.


Q: Help I picked the wrong starter!
A: At "/warp mall" there are a bunch of spawners in the garden that have every starter. Even our custom ones. Go catch one!

Q: How do I make money? / How do I sell things?
A: There is a good list you can see by using /MakeMoney. Also check our our pages on Pokedollars and Relic Coins.

Q: Why is my "____" button not working?
A: a lot of mods have overlapping commands. Go to your minecraft options and look for keys that are applied to more than one thing and rebind them.

Q: How do I use this Key?
A: Use /warp mall to warp to the mall and then you find the crate specified on the key. 

While holding the key in your hand, right click. 

If a second screen opens, like in the generation crate, RIGHT CLICK the generation you want to open it.

Q: How do I see the custom pokemon forms and textures?
A: Download the server resource pack and put in in your minecraft folder

Q: How do I claim land?
A: You can claim land only in the survival world. Right click with a gold shovel on the corners you want to claim. Use /kits for a free claim kit!

Make sure you /sethome so you can teleport back later.

Q: Someone give me money >:(

A: Asking for free stuff is generally rude >:(

Q: What is the Best Pokemon?
A: Weedle