Raid Dens

What are raid dens?

Dens are those 3x3 brown things that light occasionally blasts out of. 

If the light is blasting, you can battle a Pokemon by right clicking them to open the menu.

Up to 4 players can battle in the same activated den and all get a chance to catch the Pokemon. Insta-catch balls have been disabled. 

Den Star Rates

There are no 1 and 2 star dens. (OK, there is a REALLY small chance for them)

Den Loot

1-3 star raids have the same loot. Higher stars give more items.

4-5 star raids have the same loot. Higher stars give more items.


1-3 Star Loot

4-5 Star Loot

Legendary Pokemon

Master/Origin/Park balls are disabled. No guaranteed catches.

The catchrates are based upon if the pokemon was at 1% health.

All players battling in the den have a chance to catch the Pokemon.