Apply for Staff
If you wish to apply to join our Staff Team please use this link
If you are returning to our Staff Team please use this link
You must be at least 16 years old and have been active in-game for at least 3 weeks.
* 15 year olds may be considered if they have proved themselves suitable, this is at the Staff Team's discretion
If you would like to find out more about our Staff Team structure and set-up please read below.
Staff Structure
Staff / Moderators
The basic staff rank is separated into UX staff or Moderators.
Moderate chat and solve player disputes
Welcome new players
Help solve player issues
Friendly leaders of the community by example
May host events and minigames
Help ensure server rules are followed
UX Staff:
Have a specific non-moderator job on the server
Typically builders, artists, technical engineers, etc.
Must be active on at least one committee (if this is Ban Committee then must be on at least one other)
We don't bring on more UX staff unless there is a specific job they are coming on to do
If a UX member does not actively take part in the work of their committee they will be removed from that committee.
UX team members do not have moderator tags in-game and are not required to moderate. However, if they are in-game and a player needs help they are expected to pass this on to a moderating team member
Senior Staff
Veteran members of the staff team
A list of higher permissions are immediately available to Senior Staff
Able to apply for senior staff committees
All staff have the ability to reach Senior Staff. There is no limit to the number of positions.
Leaders of staff committees
Provide assistance and guidance for the staff duties they specialize in
Act as mediators in staff discussions
Work to make sure all major server activities are moving forward and things are getting done.
This is an invite-only position and will only be given if there is enough work to warrant another Admin.
Co-Owners are financially responsible owners of the server.
Carry out the same duties as an Admin.
Each specialize in a specific facet of the server.
Staff Committees
There are nine staff committees (see below) each specialising in a different facet of the server.
All committees are held to a set of general standards.
UX staff must be on at least one committee (if ban committee they must be on a least one other)
Moderating staff are not required to be on any committee, however, if they wish to be part of one on top of their moderating position that is entirely possible.
Some committees have a limited number of positions. (see below)
Click the links below to access further information on the responsibilities of each committee.
Links to full Committee details.
Staff Committees
(All full staff can apply for these committees)
Senior Staff Committees
(All Senior Staff can apply for these committees)
Returning Staff
If you want to return after leaving you can fill in a returning staff form. If you left on good terms and were an effective staff member you will automatically be reaccepted.
Returning staff will return to the highest non-leadership rank they previously earned. Because promotions are based on trust, there's no reason you suddenly become untrustworthy just because you left for a few months.
You may also immediately return to any committees you were previously a part of, provided there is room. Additional training may be needed depending on how long you were gone.
Note: This applies only to staff who left in good standing. If staff exit under questionable circumstances or showed a consistent lack of activity, it is at Leadership's discretion which role they will receive if they return.